Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Pastor's Corner
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1 Corinthians 3:1-3
In writing to the church inCorinth, Paul challenged the believers there to quit
acting like babies in their faith and mature into adults.
While Paul's words may sound like a harsh rebuke, it's nothing more than the
ordered process by which we live our natural lives-why shouldn't it apply to
our spiritual lives?
There comes a point in every baby's life where teh coddling ceases. Gradually,
he is weaned off a milk diet. Slowly but surelye, the phsical support that has
always been there for him begins to fade as he can stand on his own.
If we intened to mature into strong men and women of God that the Lord desires
for us to become, we must be willing to take an honest look at our behaviour.
What do we see? Are there attitudes and behaviors that reflect an immature
Psalm 139:23 says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my
anxious thoughts."
As we examine our hearts, we should ask the Lord to direct us specifically to
behaviors that don't reflect the nature of Christ's love.
In doing so, the Lord will see the state of our hearts, knowing that what we
truly seek is a life complete in Him. God will always honor the cries of a
heart that seeks freedom in Him.
Excerpt from In Touch Ministries
Glen E. Cook, Jr., Ph. D.
(903) 527-3057 Office
(903) 527-3698 Home
Rt. 4 Box 111AB
Greenville, TX 75402